Author Archives: Scott Smith
A Cup of Coffee
If you follow baseball,–or have you’ve seen enough baseball movies–you might be familiar with the term “a cup of coffee.” In baseball parlance, a cup of coffee refers to situations where a player has an especially short stint with a Major … Continue reading
It’s a curious thing that, for the majority of my life, Super Bowl weekend has caused me to wonder about the health of a person whom I’ve never met, and likely won’t ever meet. This all began at the age … Continue reading
Chilled Out
Many Januaries ago, I landed at Midway Airport around 12:00 am after my flight had been delayed several hours due to a winter storm. It was pretty cold, and windy, (which I expected,) but the snow was surprisingly gloppy (which I … Continue reading
Ice Breaker
Prior to moving to Grand Rapids, Michigan in the late 20th century, I worked in Central and North Florida, the DC area, and Chicago. I don’t remember ever being asked in any of the those places “What church do you … Continue reading