Category Archives: Our World
No, You DON’T Know What They’re Going Through
“Is This How I Die?“ A couple of days ago in the checkout lane, the young man bagging groceries was quietly, though rather publicly, having an existential crisis. People were telling him things like “You JUST need to calm down” … Continue reading
Because They Can’t
Showing Up This year, many, who work in public-facing jobs will be sickened with an infectious disease and will, despite warnings to do otherwise, will show up to work while they are still contagious. This is not anything that is … Continue reading
About Your Stance on Kneeling…
(From October, 2017, well before announcement of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick-centric ‘Just Do It’ campaign, or John McCain’s death). In the past several weeks, we’ve seen a frenetic renewal of last season’s controversy involving NFL players kneeling. during the national anthem (hashtag: … Continue reading